After spending the last few years in Morocco, their traditions and culture are definitely unlike any other place I've seen, but it's certainly worth immersing yourself in. For instance, their traditional Berber rugs are a staple of their culture—so much so that they have been recognized around the world as iconic art pieces that represent a whole country. So when I was asked to write about what trends we can expect from Moroccan rug for 2022, I instantly jumped at the opportunity. Keep reading to learn all about this topic!
Faded Colors
• They can be used indoors or outdoors. They can be placed on your patio, under a dining table, or even inside your living room as an accent piece!
• They're easy to clean because they don't shed like other types of wool rugs do, making them great if you have pets in your home (or want to get one). Plus they repel dirt quicker than traditional wool carpeting!
• How do I get one you may ask? The best way would be through an online rug shop so it will arrive right at your doorstep! If that's not possible though then there's always Moroccan Bazars where sellers sell both contemporary and vintage pieces at reasonable prices all around so there'll be something perfect for everyone regardless of their budget constraints.
The change in tastes for rugs is definitely showing a trend towards brighter colors, more intricate designs, and a feeling of being inspired by nature. The most interesting trend to me is the shift in popularity from the traditional geometric patterns to the newer ones which are much more abstract. This might just be because these designs have been around since ancient times when they used them on their rugs or other textiles but it’s nice to see something different than what everyone else has already seen so many times before.